Thursday, June 14, 2007

MusicRow Wake-up Call........

Karen sent me her daily subscription of MusicRow this morning and something really hit home. In the May 31 column, the writer described an artist who was so frustrated with delays in the release of her album—among other issues—that she publicly took her label to task via her MySpace blog and really let the fur fly.

I thought it was pretty ridiculous for the artist to be lashing out like that. However, I didn't find it as ridiculous as some record execs did. Here is a quote from a label rep with some advice that changed my thinking a bit.

“There are a few things an artist could do that may make it easier: • Decide who you are as an artist BEFORE you pitch yourself to a label. Don’t change your mind, your hair, your body, your songs, your musical style or your goals halfway through the project and expect everyone to conform to the ‘new you.’ • Don’t complain about a busy schedule, early bus calls, midnight phoners, meet and greets, free shows, small audiences, low spins, no adds, or other things that we have little control to change but must all deal with together. • Don’t bring your dogs, cats, family, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, grandparents, kids, neighbors, personal problems, etc. to every meeting, radio visit, studio or event. Most label folks show up to work alone. • Don’t arrive consistently late, forget to call, get drunk, and be moody, unprofessional and lazy.”


I am grateful that a message was sent to me today to keep me “in check” as I pursue my career.

Monday, June 11, 2007


"What this power is I cannot say, all I know is that it exists." - Alexander Graham Bell

I am grateful for my job with a boss who appreciates me.
I am grateful that he encourages me on my music career journey.
I am grateful that I have a flexible schedule.
I am grateful that traffic was not bad at all today.
I am grateful for the pass that got me in the CMA Fest - being there allowed me to dream!
I am grateful for my best friend, Stu!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Not A Cloud In The Sky!!!

I am grateful for this beautiful day!
I am grateful for the time well spent with friends last night.
I am grateful for that fact that CMA Fest is almost over. hehe
I am grateful for the sun that gives me vitamin D.
I am grateful for you, who reads this now!!!!!

Well, I'm off to the pool!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Beauty Sleep!

I am grateful that I finally got some good sleep with a full 8 hours last night.
I am grateful for the fun dinner we had with Hannah and Jon Jon.
I am grateful that I don't have a hang over this morning.
I am grateful that the sun us shining bright today.
I am grateful that I get to lay out by the pool today.
I am grateful for my Mother who I can tell anything to.
I am grateful for my new manager, Deanna.
I am grateful for electronics that help me to stay in touch with friends.
I am grateful that it's the weekend.
I am grateful that I am motivated to go to the gym.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Grateful for You!!!!!

"Love and gratitude can part seas, it can move mountains and it can create miracles. The power of love and gratitude will dissolve all negativity in our lives, no matter what form it has taken."

-Rhonda Byrne

To my dear friends,

Thank you so much for taking the time to devote to a daily grateful blog. I love applying the secret in anyway that I can and to be able to share it with friends is quite powerful.

Feel free to add quotes or words of inspiration to your lists to keep us all motivated. And....don't worry if you feel like you are repeating yourself in your grateful list……I am grateful for a lot of things everyday! Like you!

This shouldn’t feel like a chore. Treat it like brushing your teeth! You wouldn’t go 1 day without doing that would you? I truly believe you will start to see a great transformation, not only in your own life, but in all of our lives as friends.

Love you, mean it!

OK, here goes.......

I am grateful for all of my beautiful friends.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful for the love in my life, Stuuuuiiiieeee!
I am grateful for the roof over my head.
I am grateful for my Friday paycheck.
I am grateful for a body that is strong and healthy.
I am grateful for my voice.
I am grateful that I made it through yesterday which was a 17 hour day!
I am grateful that I had a good turn out at my writer’s round.
I am grateful for all my friends from the gym who are so supportive.
I am grateful my car that gets me from A to B.