Saturday, June 9, 2007

Beauty Sleep!

I am grateful that I finally got some good sleep with a full 8 hours last night.
I am grateful for the fun dinner we had with Hannah and Jon Jon.
I am grateful that I don't have a hang over this morning.
I am grateful that the sun us shining bright today.
I am grateful that I get to lay out by the pool today.
I am grateful for my Mother who I can tell anything to.
I am grateful for my new manager, Deanna.
I am grateful for electronics that help me to stay in touch with friends.
I am grateful that it's the weekend.
I am grateful that I am motivated to go to the gym.


Stuie said...

I am grateful for the house I live in.
I am grateful for the girl in my life.
I am grateful for the job that I have and the money it pays me.
I am grateful for the car that I drive.
I am grateful for the friends and family that I have.

I love you babe and I'm glad you're doing this with all your friends. -Stu

Deanna said...

I am grateful again for planes...I'm in Pittsburgh today because of them
I am grateful for unexpected 1st class upgrades AND no one sitting next to me...can you say LOTS OF SPACE? :)
I am grateful that God has allowed me to achieve my dream of working in the music business
I am grateful for all my family and friends I love them ALL!
I am grateful that Crystal did not get hurt in her car accident today
I am grateful for tour buses...because of them I get my "Beauty Sleep" tonight!
I am grateful for Nashville, I never thought a city could provide so much hope!
I am grateful for my nephews...they are the only boys who really own my heart
I am grateful that because of God I truly believe that the bigger the dream...the bigger the blessing! :)